Structured Products are pre-packaged investment strategies based on a single security, a basket of securities, options, indices, commodities, debt issuance or foreign currencies.
The Structured Products app allows to understand the risk profile of Structured Products with models usually only available to professional investors.
everaging open sources libraries
- Leveraging open-source derivatives pricing libraries
- Privacy: all calculations are made on your phone
- Generate redemption amount at maturity
- Simulate historical product behaviour
- See the impact of different parameters on the value of Structured Products
Asset Types
- Equity, Exchange Traded Funds
- Foreign Exchange Spots
- Crypto
Asia region Structured Products available (more coming)
- Equity Linked Note
- Fixed Coupon Note
- Twin-Win Autocallable Note
- Dual Currency Deposit
Europe region Structured Products available (more coming)
- Reverse Convertible
- Phoenix Autocallable